Submit a Case Study

Each ASDP Interactive Case consists of a brief introductory paragraph about the patient or biopsy followed by one or more question-and-answer modules. Each module contains a question with five possible (and plausible) answers to the question. After the reader chooses one of the possible answers, the author provides the reader with a detailed one- to two-paragraph explanation for the best answer and a brief explanation of why the other options are incorrect or less preferred.

Please note: ASDP has adopted the ABD item writing guidelines as its template for self-assessment questions. Please review those guidelines.

Possible questions include:

  • Which of the following is the best diagnosis?
  • Which of the following is the most appropriate next step?
  • Which of the following is most likely to confirm the diagnosis? (could include immunohistochemical or special stains, genetic testing, in situ hybridization, gene rearrangement, etc…)
  • Which of the following is the most appropriate screening test?
  • For which of the following conditions is the patient at greatest risk?
  • Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these findings?
  • Which of the following is the most likely pathogen?
  • Which of the following findings is most likely?

Interactive Case Format

General Requirements. All cases should be original without the use of artificial intelligence. Cases should be submitted via email to [email protected]. The case study text must be delivered in Microsoft Word format with all required information and case study sections clearly labeled. Images or video clips should be submitted to support the interactive case study text. Reference to the images and videos should be placed in the text to ensure their proper placement. Image filenames should be referenced with Arabic numerals corresponding to the text references. Images should not be embedded within the text.

REQUIRED: Author Information. The following information is required to properly identify and correspond with the author or authors (up to 2 with at least 1 non-trainee author): the name of physician(s) submitting the case, author's title, medical specialty, hospital affiliation, email address and phone number. The ASDP requires that author(s) disclose any grants or funds received related to the case study. An authorship declaration form must be submitted by each author. All authors must review the case prior to submission. Please provide a photograph (when possible) and brief (3 - 4 sentences) biographical statement for each author. Also include the Twitter handles of all authors, if available.

REQUESTED: Twitter handles for authors and their institutions, if available.

REQUIRED: Author Photo. Please submit a "head shot" to be posted with your case.

Title. Title of case study that does not give away the diagnosis or answer to the questions.

Clinical history. Present essential clinical information (HPI, relevant medical history, physical exam findings, lab tests, and prior treatments)

Question. This section includes one to three question and answer modules. Each element of the question and answer module is comprised of a question with five (5) potential answers arranged in alphabetical order. Example:

Which of the following is the best diagnosis?

A. (possible, but wrong)
B. (best answer)
C. (possible, but wrong)
D. (possible, but wrong)
E. (possible, but wrong)

Rationale for the Answers. This element of the question and answer module provides the reader with a one to two paragraph explanation for the best answer and a brief explanation of why the other answers are incorrect or less preferred. Example:

Why A is incorrect/less preferred (brief statement)
Why B is best (one-two paragraphs)
Why C is incorrect/less preferred (brief statement)
Why D is incorrect/less preferred (brief statement)
Why E is incorrect/less preferred (brief statement)

References. Up to 15 citations may be provided. Only articles that have been published in scientific journals and medical texts or are in press may be included. They should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, and should be given in the format of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the National Library of Medicine. Journal titles should conform to the abbreviations in Cumulated Index Medicus. Give names and initials of all authors (unless four or more, in which case give the first three only then et al.). For examples, see below.

For journal articles:
Kofler H, Wambacher-Gasser B, Topar G, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in therapy-resistant epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. J Am Acad Dermatol 1997;36:331-5.

For chapters in books:
McNutt NS, Fishman PM. Metastatic tumors. In: Farmer ER, Hood AP, editors. Pathology of the skin. Norwalk (CT): Appleton & Lange; 1990. p. 465-78.

For articles published online ahead of print:
Adebamowo CA, Spiegelman D, Danby FW, et al. High school dietary dairy intake and teenage acne. J Am Acad Dermatol doi:10.1016/ j.jaad.2004.08.007. Published online October 29, 2004. ASDP

Policies and Supporting Materials

Images and Illustrations: All cases must include a minimum of two images. Submit images as electronic files in .jpeg format. The images must have a resolution of 72 pixels per inch..

The image file names must correspond with the references, in Arabic numerals (for example, fig. 1) within the text of the case study.

REQUIRED: Slides/Digital Images: Authors of accepted cases will be required to provide a glass slide that can be scanned to include with their case. The slide will be included in ASDP's Virtual Slide Library. Instructions will be provided if a case is accepted for peer review. 

Videos: ASDP has a designated YouTube account where videos can be uploaded for use with Case Studies. For information on how to include a video with your submission, contact ASDP Headquarters at +1-847-572-2188 or [email protected].

Ownership of Case Study: Case studies selected for publication become the property of the American Society of Dermatopathology (ASDP). They may not be published or reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of ASDP.

Permission to Reproduce Published Material: Permission to reproduce any material published by ASDP must be obtained from the ASDP Headquarters; call +1-847-572-2188, or email [email protected].

Editors and Publisher Waiver of Responsibility: Statements and opinions expressed in the case studies are those of the authors and not necessarily that of the editors or publisher. The editors and publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for published material.

Patient Consent: Images of identifiable persons must be accompanied by signed releases from the patient(s) or from both living parents or guardians of minors. Similarly, consent must be obtained if a person can be identified through the text of a case study.

Citation of Case Studies: Case Studies published on the ASDP Web site should be cited as follows:

Davis M, Dean SM. "Cryptic Foot Nodules in a Patient with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome."

Submission of Case Study

All Case Studies should be submitted via email to [email protected]. Supporting materials may be submitted by email or mail. Please email ASDP for mailing instructions.


For more information, read What to Expect When You Submit a Case Study.

The following must be completed and returned with the other supporting materials.

Copyright Transfer and Authorship Responsibility

Case Study Title:
Corresponding Author Name:
Mailing Address:
Additional Authors:

The signature below confirms compliance with the following statements:

Copyright Transfer. "The undersigned author transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership of the case study to the American Society of Dermatopathology in the event the case study is published on the ASDP Web site."

Originality. "The undersigned author warrants that the case study is original in form and substance, a case study of similar content has not been published in print or digital medium under my authorship, does not infringe on any copyright or other proprietary right of any third party, and is not under consideration by another publisher or journal."

Authorship Responsibility. "The undersigned author certifies that I have made a direct and substantial contribution to the work reported in the case study. I have participated to a sufficient degree to take public responsibility for the work and believe the case study describes truthful facts."

Must be signed by lead author.


This page was updated November 27, 2023